Вrig. Gen. Oleksandr Potii

Oleksandr Potii earned his PhD in communication security from Kharkiv Military University and became DScTech at Kharkiv National University of Air Force. His areas of research include information protection standards, cybersecurity and cryptography. Oleksandr Potii has more than 25 years of experience in military service, and 20 years of academic and pedagogical experience. Before joining the State Service, he has hold different technical and administrative positions at important educational institutions, such as Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics and National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. At his current position, he is responsible for a range of important areas, including critical infrastructure protection, IT standardisation and certification, cyber defence, and cyber workforce development. Oleksandr Potii is a laureate of the National Prize of Ukraine named after Borys Paton (2021). He authored 5 manuals, more than 100 research articles, and developed several specialised university courses in areas of his expertise.