Piret Pernik

Piret Pernik is a Researcher at the Strategy Branch of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre for Excellence (CCDCOE). She has authored and co-authored numerous reports and policy analysis, including book chapters, articles in academic peer-reviewed journals, and think tank research reports. She is the editor of a volume of papers entitled “Cyberspace Strategic Outlook 2030: Horizon Scanning and Analysis” (CCDCOE, 2022), and co-editor of “Cyber Threats and NATO 2030: Horizon Scanning and Analysis” (CCDCOE, 2020). Prior to joining the CCDCOE in 2019, Piret Pernik was a Research Fellow at the International Centre for Security and Defence (ICDS), Estonia’s largest think-tank focused on security and defence matters. She worked as a Researcher at the Estonian Academy of Social Sciences. Between 2003-2013 she served in the Estonian Ministry of Defence and was an adviser of the National Defence Committee of the Parliament of Estonia. She holds a Master’s degree on Social Theory (Sociology), and on International Relations and European Studies. Piret was part of the inaugural 2023-2024 cohort of the UC Berkeley Tech Policy Fellowship hosted by University of California, Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy & CITRIS Policy Lab.